Witchcraft is an Art
- Parallel Uchuko who is a Modern Witch / Art Director freely travels between the spiritual world and the real world, and works seamlessly. The reason why I am exploring the inner spiritual world as a modern witch and creating and expressing in this real world as an art director is to be able to capture the "whole" from a high perspective that does not bias one or the other. This is because I believe that being able to continue sharpening a strong spirituality is what a witch should be.
A Witch is a sage who coexists with medical herbs, lunar phases, nature and the universe, and the ideal way, which is connected to the existence of a higher dimension.
For witches, witchcraft is art that visualizes the invisible in this world, and a liberal arts that deepens exploration through diverse learning styles philosophy, history, religion, psychology, ethnology, cultural anthropology, natural science,etc.Liberal arts is a method to acquire the knowledge to release human beings from bondage and the power to live freely.
We can make use of free intellectual exploration when knowledge is turned into "wisdom" through experience. Good magic draws out your "authentic self", which sleeps within you. Have a magical experience. - 現代魔女 / Art Directorのパラレル宇宙子は、精神世界と現実世界を自由に行き来し、シームレスに活動しています。現代魔女として内なる精神世界を探求し、Art Directorとしてこの現実世界にクリエイト(表現)している理由は、どちらかに偏ること無く、またどちらも無視しない高い視座で「全体」を捉えられるよう、強靭な精神性を研ぎ澄まし続けられる事こそが、魔女として在るべき姿だと思うからです。
What is a
Medicine Reading
As we live our lives, we often fail along the way. We run into the same wall many times. Sometimes, we feel so low it takes a long time to move forward. We fail, feel humiliated, and become disappointed with ourselves because we notice our faults and feel guilty. People in front of us (and around us) reflect our existence like mirrors and if we don’t look at them, we may not understand ourselves.
If we have anxiety and fear, it can be quite difficult to look into the mirrors around us; painful to be confronted by the truths we find in such reflections. However, the grief caused by loneliness can become "armor," a means of protecting ourselves and hiding from the pain of our wounds. This is because such "wounds" are deep inside us and can’t be so easily seen in the mirrors around us. Therefore, I think people don’t often know how they are handling their own pain. The true nature of our hearts can be concealed, hidden away from the superficial, three-dimensional world. Even if we can understand an issue or a problem which has come out on the table, it isn’t so easy to understand the nature behind it. If we keep walking without noticing the nature of that problem, it won’t be easy for us to advance because a similar problem will always occur. Eventually, this will lead to exhaustion. But a vicious circle can be stopped if we choose to end it somewhere in that circulation.
Medicine Reading by ‘Parallel Uchuko’ is a healing session which will inform you of the reasons for the problems you face and lead to awareness and growth. It will provide a multilateral viewpoint in dealing with your worries and problems. The Readings are held via Zoom video calls.
As a Psychic witch, I am a Clairvoyant with the ability of "clear seeing. When you start to talk and I will be able to see and sense the whole of you - the past, the present, and even the future. After each session, you’ll have a better understanding of existence and a deeper awareness of your authentic self. I cherish giving realistic and grounded advice, so that you can stand up on your own feet and move ahead firmly with "your authentic self.” It is my directive and my joy to empower you receive AWARENESS and a MESSAGE. -
How these sessions have helped clients
Regarding areas that I give guidance on, normally I speak about the intentions you have set, as well as your direction, emotional well-being, holistic health, work life, love life, family and a theme for your own growth. We can work together to end self-limiting beliefs and build confidence. We can also deal with self-defeating issues or anything holding you back from living a happy and abundant life. I can offer messages from pets and other animals, as well as provide messages from the spirit of a person who has passed away.
- About your spirit
- Traumas
- Confidence issues
- Negative love pattern
- Business decisions
- Depression and anxiety help
- Influence from family and ancestors
- Relations of family or partner
- Theme in this life
- Past, Now, Previous and a parallel world
- Empowerment
- Ritual
- あなたのスピリットについて
- トラウマ
- 自信が持てない
- ネガティブな恋愛パターン
- 仕事について
- 気分の落ち込みや不安
- 家系や先祖の影響
- 家族やパートナーとなどの人間関係
- テーマ・課題
- 過去、現在、未来、パラレル世界
- エンパワーメント
- 儀式(意図のある習慣)
- As a Modern Witch/Art director, I have interviewed and writing in various media such as well-being, empowerment, art, spiritual world, design, fashion, lifestyle, and business. As a witch, I have also appeared in various seminars, and talk events.
Writing, interviews, media appearances, talking with someone, seminars, talk event, tutor, workshop requests, etc.
If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to contact me and use the email address below for work requests. - 現代魔女 / Art Directorとして、Wellbeing、エンパワーメント、アート、精神世界、デザイン、ファッション、ライフスタイル、ビジネスなど、さまざまなメディアにインタビュー・取材・出演・執筆させて頂いております。また、リベラル・アーツ活動家の現代魔女として、対談・セミナー・トークイベントにも多数出演させて頂いております。